- (518) 462-0632
- info@healthyschools.org
- 153 Regent St. Ste. 1050 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Coordinated by Healthy Schools Network, the 23rd National Healthy Schools Day, will take place on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, and all week long.
This year’s event will feature State and Local Programs
Resiliency to extreme weather events is more essential than ever. State/Local Programs, plans, and funds to help schools stay open longer and/or reopen safely and quickly after disasters.
In the 2022-23 school year, this Berks County (PA) rural high school was closed due to damage from extreme weather. Students and staff missed school days and spent extra time travelling to schools out of the area.
Reducing the spread of colds, flu, and other infective diseases, and improving attendance and test scores by ensuring clean/fresh air, clean water, and clean facilities as recommended by EPA and by CDC.
Children breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults.
This Pacific Northwest-area classroom has high carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, which cause fatigue, poor concentration, and dizziness. Adult thinking skills decline at 1,000 parts per million CO2; the meter shows 4,069 ppm.
Programs and funds to assist schools in eliminating/controlling indoor sources of pollution and legacy toxics that when spilled or exposed are serious risks to first responders and clean-up crews.
Targets: lead in paint, water, and synthetic turf; shelves of old, outdated pesticidesand laboratory and maintenance chemicals; PCBs; asbestos; elemental mercury; andPFAs in water and soil.
Pictured: The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s school chemical clean-out project at one high school found many outdated and/or mislabeled chemicals needing identification and sorting before proper disposal.
12:30 – 4:30 PM EST (Virtually)
*Pre-Registration is required to participate in break out rooms. Registration is free, donations appreciated
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Find resources for parents and personnel, schools and childcares, and their communities.
Graphics, flyers, posters, and decals can be used in a variety of ways to show your support and bring awareness to the day.
Since 2002, parents, teachers, school nurses, custodians, advocates, and agencies have promoted National Healthy Schools Day activities nationwide. Whether you are at the beginning stages of investigating school environments or have an established Indoor Air/Environmental Quality program, we invite you to host a local activity that educates others and celebrates your school’s successes.
National Healthy Schools Day is coordinated by Healthy Schools Network in partnership with many agencies and organizations. Together, we promote the use of EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools guidance as well as other EPA environmental health guidelines and programs for schools and children’s health.
Copyright © 2023 Healthy Schools Network. All rights reserved.
Having asthma attacks at school or just more headaches, itchy eyes, and trouble concentrating? See our Resources on improving Indoor Air Quality.
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