Preparing Public Schools in the United States for the Next Public Health Emergency, a peer-reviewed public health policy statement adopted by the American Public Health Association, 2022, collaboratively authored by Molly Polverento, MSEd, and Claire Barnett, MBA, et al.
COVID-19, Pandemic Response, Infection Prevention and Control
National Call to Action: Pandemic v. Schools, Healthy Schools Network and New Jersey Work Environment Council, July 2020
Calls for federal-state public health agencies to help schools develop and implement Infection Prevention and Control Plans that call for clean air, clean water, and clean facilities.
WEBINAR Disinfecting & Schools: Panel Presentations and Discussion, 2020
To see video use passcode: YG+EYf?9
Climate Change and Other Disasters
Children’s Health & Wildfires, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, 2023
Children’s Health in the Aftermath of Floods, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, 2020
Schools as Shelters: Impacts of Severe Weather Events on Schools and Their Communities, 2019
Caution: Hurricane Sandy Cleanup can be Hazardous! NY Committee for Occupational Health and Safety, 2012
BP Oil Spill: Keeping Kids Safe, Healthy Schools Network, 2011
A message for communities, schools, parents, teachers, and child/youth organizations about oil spill contaminants and children.
Ground Zero Parents in Their Own Words: Practical Advice to Schools and Parents. Healthy Schools Network, 2002, 2005
Survey of parents’ responses in spring 2002: 8 pp, highlights the advice from parents of children that attended Ground Zero Schools.
Schools of Ground Zero: Early Lessons Learned in Children’s Environmental Health, Healthy Schools Network and the American Public Health Association, 2002
The only contemporaneous account of the decisions to evacuate and re-occupy seven public schools following the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th, includes parent survey data on new onset health effects in school children.