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Summer Mold Growth Hitting Western Mass. Schools: Time to Remediate Right!

Healthy Schools Network comment. Molds are everywhere; there is no such thing as a mold-free school. If your school is affected, we recommend school leaders and the community read about moldy buildings BEFORE calling in a local remediator. READ Molds at School, Healthy Schools Network, © 2002, 2012;8 pp, outlines information on why schools are moldy, the impact mold has on health, basic prevention practices; urges swift cleanups over testing; Read US EPA guidance on mold in schools and use NIOSH tool on how to investigate and remediate mold. Note, the National Inst. Occupational Safety and Health says, “Inappropriate remediation (e.g., painting over water-damaged materials, adding air fresheners in areas to mask musty odors, and applying disinfectants or biocides to damp or moldy surfaces) can cause further problems with building degradation and symptoms in occupants.”


Public schools in Western Massachusetts have faced problems including thousands of destroyed books in one system and a delayed academic-year start in another due to summer mold growth, the Springfield Republican’s Aprell May Munford reports. According to the paper, mold can cause building users to suffer irritation to their eyes, noses and throats and also can worsen pre-existing respiratory problems. The Springfield Republican newspaper reports that some school departments have hired firms that specialize in mold remediation. – Springfield Republican

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