Disinfectants, sanitizers, desks, partitions, paints, notebooks, computers, markers, furnishings. A policy guidance memo to help you find and use low-emissions, low toxicity products which will help promote healthy Indoor Air (IAQ), and reduce exposures in schools associated with asthma, headaches, rashes, eye and skin irritation, and as well cancer.
This Toolkit also offers related information on Safer Disinfectants, GreenWashing, aka, false environmental marketing claims, and on other topics from the Work Group on Green Cleaning and Chemical Policy Reform in Schools.
- US EPA Introduction to Eco-Labels and Standards for Greener Products
- The Seven Sins of Greenwashing (poster)
- Green Seal – certified green products and services (all)
- United Laboratories UL Solutions: Certified Green Products (all)
- NY State OGS Green Purchasing Program – (all products and services)
- MA Environmentally Preferable Procurement Program: all product types
- Healthy Purchasing for Healthy Schools Memo, 2013
- Webcast agenda: Healthy Purchasing for Healthy Schools, 2013
- EPEAT Ecolabel for Electronics and Technology Products
- Healthy Schools Network’s Lead-Free Electronics Fact Sheet for Schools and Parents, 2018
(NB: Always check the EPEAT Registry for your items before ordering.)
- Healthy Schools Network’s Lead-Free Electronics Fact Sheet for Schools and Parents, 2018