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Children’s Health

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President’s Task Force on Risks to Children’s Environmental Health and Children’s Safety, and President’s Executive Order 13045, 1997


Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, (PEHSU): federally designated, national network of experts in reproductive and children’s environmental health


Pediatric Environmental Health, 4th Ed., American Academy of Pediatrics Council of Environmental Health, 2018.


Establishing Environmental Public Health Systems for Children, Jerome Paulson, MD, Claire Barnett, MBA, and Susan Goekler, PhD, et al., a collaboratively written, peer-reviewed public health policy statement calling for new public health services for children, adopted by the American Public Health Association, 2017


Environmental Health at School: New Solutions Put Children First, Healthy Schools Network, Conference Report, 2016


Environmental Health at School: Ignored Too Long, Panel and Workshop, Healthy Schools Network, 2015,
Conference Report – Panel and first national facilitated discussion of environmental health at school: panel and workshop full proceedings, speakers and presentations, bibliography.


Towards Healthy Schools: Reducing Risks to Children, 2016


Towards Healthy Schools 2015, Healthy Schools Network


Public Health Stops at the Schoolhouse door, Jerome A. Paulson and Claire L. Barnett, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016


Collaborative Work Group on Metrics, Research, and Monitoring: white paper, Coalition for Healthier Schools, 2013


Sick Schools 2009: America’s Continuing Environmental Health Crisis for Children, Healthy Schools Network, 2009
A collaboratively prepared HS Network national report which shows the struggles to pass and to secure enforcement of laws in the states and locally, and the continuing environmental public health crisis that is devastating the health and ability to learn and to stay in school for tens of millions of American school children every day; state-by-state data.


Lessons Learned: 32,000,000 Children: A Public Health Crisis, Healthy Schools Network, April 2006
A collaboratively prepared HS Network national report revealing the widespread human health, family, and community impacts of school facilities that are poorly designed, constructed, operated, or maintained; state-by-state data.


Who’s In Charge of Protecting Children’s Health at School?, Healthy Schools Network, 2006
A national research report outlines the scope of the public health response needed to resolve the nation’s largest unaddressed children’s health problem, polluted schools, © 2006.


Learning the Hard Way: The Poor Environment of America’s Schools, Environmental Health Perspectives, June 2002


Who’s In Charge of Children’s Environmental Health at School?, Paulson, Barnett, New Solutions, 2010


EMF’s: US Supreme Court Amicus Curiae in support of need for FCC to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement on the impact of new wireless systems on school children. Brief of Healthy Schools Network, Inc., September 5, 2006.


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