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What you can do to advance healthier schools


Tips for School Visits and Tours, Healthy Schools Network, 2014


Access to Decision Making: Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Laws, Healthy Schools Network, © 2005, 2012
3 pp, outlines why public school meetings must be open and accessible to parents, school personnel, and any other members of the public works.


Freedom Of Information Act
The FOIA applies only to federal agencies and does not create a right of access to records held by Congress, the courts, or by state or local government agencies. The FOIA does not require agencies to do research for you, answer written questions, or in any other way create records (such as lists or statistics) in order to respond to a request.


State Freedom of Information Laws


HealthySEAT-Healthy Schools Environments Assessment Tool, US Environmental Protection Agency, 2005


School Health and Safety Committees: How to Promote Child and Adult Environmental Health, Healthy Schools Network, 2000
6 pp, includes schoolhouse illustration showing what to look for in a building walk-through inspection, public documents that may be useful, and tips on how to set up a committee.


Bullying and Harassment, US Department of Education


Dear Colleague Letter: Responding to Bullying of Students with Disabilities, October 2014


Protecting Vulnerable Students in Sick Schools, Healthy Schools Network, © 2001, 2012
7 pp, an introduction to the special education and related accommodation laws designed to remove barriers to education for children with disabilities including asthma and other health impairments. NOTE: Parents/families should consult with their child’s doctor, the school’s special education committee chair, the school nurse,  and/or an attorney for specialized guidance on what federal, state, or city laws are in place to help protect your child’s ability to stay healthy and learn.


Protecting Students with Disabilities, US Department of Education


New York City and State

Unwanted Exposure: Preventing Environmental Threats to the Health of New York State’s Children, Healthy Schools Network and the Learning Disabilities Association of New York State, 2007.
6pp, a comprehensive review of the major identified threats to children’s health from environmental exposures and New York State’s current policy framework for protecting children from these hazards.

HS Network Comment: This nationally unique report seeded the creation of the NYS Centers of Excellence in Children’s Environmental Health, and the expansion of federal Pediatric Environmental Health services to communities and health care providers statewide, coordinated by Mount Sinai Medical School, visit


The Healthy Schools Environmental Action Guide, Advocates for Children and Healthy Schools Network, © 1999, 2005
42 pp, informs New York City parents, advocates, and school personnel about existing laws and resources available to ensure that every child and school employee has an environmentally safe and healthy school.


New York State School Facilities and Student Health, Achievement, and Attendance: A Data Report, Healthy Schools Network, 2005
40 pp, report of all public schools in two New York State counties as well as other schools with reported environmental problems to determine if significant correlations existed between school facilities, student health, and academic achievement.


RESCUE: Health & Safety Requirements for Public Schools in New York State, Healthy Schools Network, 2003
3 pp, outline of comprehensive state-aided mandates for facilities planning, inspection, rating, monitoring, and reporting to provide protection for the health and safety of New York State school children and personnel, based on US EPA’s “IAQ Tools for Schools” program.


What School Nurses Know: We Need New Laws to Clean Up Schools (survey), Healthy Schools Network and NYS Association of School Nurses, 2000


NEGLECTED BUILDINGS, DAMAGED HEALTH: Snap-shot of New York City Public School Environmental Conditions, 1999, (Healthy Schools Network and Advocates for Children of New York), 88 pp, survey of school users show health and learning impacts from deteriorated facility conditions and reveals significant building code violations; copy of survey instrument in Appendix.


A five-point policy “every child has a right…” adopted by the New York State Board of Regents in 1995 and referenced or cited by many public interest groups and coalitions. See Introduction to the Clearinghouse.


NYC Green Schools Guide, NYC School Construction Authority and NYC Department of Education, March 2007


NY-CHPS: High Performance Schools Guidelines, NYSERDA, March 2007
145 pp, developed in cooperation with a panel of experts coordinated by NYSERDA, to emphasize criteria that directly contribute to student learning, reduced maintenance, and long building life.

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