Downpour from Storm Drenches San Diego: Road Closures, Outages and More
A powerful storm wreaked havoc on San Diego County Monday, causing massive flooding, widespread electricity outages and countless road closures.
A powerful storm wreaked havoc on San Diego County Monday, causing massive flooding, widespread electricity outages and countless road closures.
EPA is announcing the anticipated award of nine grants, totaling $10.67 million in funding for projects under the Wildfire Smoke Preparedness in Community Buildings Grants Program.
Bystander education and setting schoolwide expectations can play a crucial component in bullying prevention efforts, according to child psychology experts.
Fire officials said no one was injured Wednesday evening after a chemical spill occurred inside a science lab at Sacred Heart University.
Two seventh-grade students at East Mills Junior and Senior High School are recovering after receiving chemical burns during a science experiment that went wrong.
Thanks to CBS 60 Minutes on Sunday Oct 29 for featuring Harvard’s Joe Allen on IAQ: “The original sin of the pandemic was the failure to recognize airborne transmission”.
With robust funding from congress, EPA can activate Biden’s languishing Clean Air in Schools challenge with expanded national outreach and technical assistance to states and schools and communities.
We strongly support CLEAN AIR IN SCHOOLS for all children on Earth Day and every day. Schools must have clean indoor air to keep children and staff healthy, reduce absenteeism, and to stay open longer when severe weather threatens.
Call for $100 million in 2024 Federal Budget to Protect Children from Harmful Airborne Exposures in
The Coalition is also requesting an additional $10 million in funding for EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection to increase public health research and services for children’s environmental health.
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